Brown v board of education impact today
Brown v board of education impact today

The NAACP filed several lawsuits in support of plaintiffs in states including Virginia, South Carolina and Delaware.Oliver Brown was the parent of a black child who was denied access to a white school in Topeka, Kansas. But in the 1950s, roughly 50 years later, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, began making efforts to challenge racial segregation in the public school system, at the elementary school level. This enacted the concept of “separate but equal” which would remain for the next 60 years. These laws were known as the Jim Crow laws. The ruling constitutionally authorized laws prohibiting black individuals from sharing the same restaurants, buses and other forms of transportation, libraries, schools and other public facilities as white individuals. In 1896, during the Plessy v Ferguson case, the Supreme Court decided that racially segregated facilities were in fact constitutional, insofar as the facilities for both black and white students were equal.

brown v board of education impact today

The Supreme Court incorporated these five cases into the milestone 1945 Supreme Court case, Brown v Board of Education. Although these were all distinctive cases, they all brought attention to black elementary students, who were subordinate to white students. County School Board of Prince Edward County (Virginia). Five cases regarding similar issues were appealed to the Supreme Court after all five cases were unsuccessful in the lower courts.

brown v board of education impact today brown v board of education impact today

Although Brown v Board of Education helped pave the way for the civil rights movement by starting and attempting to desegregate the public school system, its initial purpose was not entirely fulfilled. Brown v Board of Education was a landmark case that had a monumental influence on the United States educational system.

Brown v board of education impact today